IPhone 8
2017 marks the 10th anniversary of the famous IPhone from Apple. As it being a special year it makes people wonder what they will do for...
ASB President 2017 - 2018 Maritza Alvarez
The person that was elected for the next year 2017-2018 school year announced April 17, 2017 .The next ASB President Maritza Alvarez....
Netflix: New and Old
Each Month netflix releases new shows and movies. But those movies and shows replace others. Here are some that are releasing and leaving...
Summer on a Budget
There is 30 school days left till summer vacation. Now, if you don’t have a job or your mom won’t give you money and you think you won’t...

13 Reasons Why
WARNING!! THERE IS SPOILERS!!! On March 31 2017, Netflix released a TV show “13 Reasons Why”. It not only has got popular because of the...

Pro Sports Career Day
On April 19, 5 kids, Monica Macias, Greg Vivar, Rosalina Martinez, Josh Verduzco and me, got the chance to see what it’s like to work in...
2017 Miss Grandview Pageant
On April 15th 2017, judges will choose Grandviews newest queens and princesses. There is 8 candidates running for the 3 spots. Kendall...

What is Coachella?
One of the most popular music and arts festival that A-list singers and celebrities come to go sing and dance. As it is getting closer it...

Red iPhone 7
On March 24 Apple will be releasing a Red IPhone 7 worldwide online and in stores. It will be a red matte aluminum and be apart of the...
What to Expect within the Next Four Years
As the election finally ends and the result may have not made everybody happy. Donald Trump age 70 is our 45th President. As he will be...