California Fires

The California fires were one of the most horrific events in 2018 and my heart goes out to all of the fallen victims families and friends. The 2018 fires are the worst fires California has ever had with about 1,890,438 acres burned, these are horrifying statistics because that is so much fire and imagine being in California with all these fires. The only good thing that has came out of this disaster is that almost all of the fires are contained but that doesnt mean the destruction will stop it will continue until all the fires are contained. Hopefully this ends soon because we don't want this to continue because more people will go missing and even die so we can just wait and hope that all these fires will stop.
The death toll is raising it is currently at 88 and 196 people are missing these are very bad if we compare them to the 2017 fires there was 47 deaths, i'm not saying that a higher death count is good, i’m saying this is how bad the fires are right now they almost have double the death count and that's bad. Also the missing count of 196 that is terrible but that means the death count can raise even more that means the death count can be over 100 soon and that would make this year fires the worst fires california has ever had. But the fires are slowing down a bit so there won't be as much deaths which is a good thing but until all the fires are contained nobody knows how much damages the other fires will cause and that's a scary thought.
The biggest fire has been the Mendocino Complex fire it has burned a total of 495,123 acres of land, 157 houses were burned down due to the fire. This is very scary because people are losing their houses because of the fires, so civilians are losing more things with just one fire. This is bad because if there is more fires as bad as the Mendocino Complex, so much things will be destroyed such as houses, and other things. This will affect the civilians the most because there houses will be destroyed and they would lose money because they would have to pay for repair. Also on the topic of money the town is also going to have to pay for repairs, and that could be a lot of money up to millions of dollars just paid to fix the own from a single fire.
To conclude this article the California fires were one of the worst fires in California's history of being a state and that is crazy to think about because California has been a state since 1850 so almost 200 years. Also it's crazy to think that we are alive for one of the worst fires in history. But in good news the fires are starting to go away so soon all the fires will be away, but we will just have to wait and see what happens.