
Talking all about makeup, such as tips and how to do your makeup & what you should know about makeup
Makeup is for girls to put on to make yourself feel prettier. There is girls that love makeup a lot just like me. Sometimes there is girls who wish to do makeup but don't know. But one thing you should know about makeup is that it’s not easy to start doing it. In order to get better at makeup you need to practice a lot. At first when you are first trying to do ur makeup, yes i know it's hard. But the first time you try you are going to get sad, frustrated, upset, mad, exhausted, angry or whateva. The reason you are going to feel like that is because it's not easy. But as you start practicing more and more you will get better and do your makeup all easy. Maybe if you are like me you will learn how to do makeup on yourself and you really enjoy doing makeup then if you want you can do a youtube videos. You can also if you want do makeup to other girls. If you are not really good or feel really confident to do makeup on another girl, then you first want to start by doing your mom’s makeup or your sisters makeup to practice a bit more. Before you feel like you feel like you can do another girl’s makeup you should know that they might have different shade of skin color, different shape of eyebrow, different size of eyes, well you get the point different everything. There is different ways to do your makeup and every girl does their makeup the way it makes it easier for them.
The hardest things about makeup but you would want to know
How to apply fake eyelashes?
Another thing that seems to be hard for girls would be how to apply eyelashes and the answer for that would be to watch tutorials but if you still don't get it then here are some tips.
Get the lashes with your fingers or tweezers.
Get the glue
Apply a generous amount of glue on the eyelash
Let it dry for like 20 secs
Wait till the glue get tacky (you can lightly tap on the glue to make sure it’s tacky)
When the glue is already tacky then you can either apply the lashes with your fingers or tweezers.
You want to place the eyelash really close to your natural lash so it will look like your normal lash, you want to be careful and take your time
First you want to place the eyelash as close to your lash line and with the tweezers or your finger you want to start by the sides of eyelashes and make sure they stick, and with the tweezers you squish your fake eyelashes with your real ones.