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ASB President 2017 - 2018 Maritza Alvarez

The person that was elected for the next year 2017-2018 school year announced April 17, 2017 .The next ASB President Maritza Alvarez. Candidates that were running for ASB President were Maritza Alvarez and Marlene Castilleja. In an interview on Maritza Alvarez our next ASB president

Why did you want to run for president?

“I think that running for our high school president is one that I wanted to do since I was in middle school because in 7th grade I ran for Grandview Middle School ASB President and I got it. I thought you know what this is pretty awesome not necessarily because I'm going to set all these rules or put all these ideas out and I was like hey I'm like a pretty equal person am so mindful of everybody else's ideas let's do this together.When it came to being the president at the high school I did not even have to think about it, I’m going to do it and I am excited my friends and just my peers together supporting me we got this together.”

Who is your main support in this process or who encouraged you to do this?

“My main support in this process was definitely Alondra Perez and my best friend Joanna Perez, all my friends encouraged they were super supportive and even my family at home and the student body they were also really supportive. Alondra supported me she told this campaign might get discouraging maybe you felt like it wasn't that great of a campaigning day today or maybe you got put down to let that get to you can do it.”

What are some things you’re going to do as president?

“I’ve decided that we are going to focus as a school is definitely taking everybody’s ideas into consideration. Like people in leadership many people say well I also have ideas but I don't think we have a solid enough system that way other students can give ideas and if they are not willing to listen I will listen to and I know all the students have amazing ideas.”

What is the first thing you’re going to do if you become president?

“During the summer I am going to create a binder of ideas invest a good portion of my time to make a binder ideas of how to make Grandview High School better spirit better. Bring students together as one and contact students get their feedback getting the best feedback is going to the best thing to do.”

How did you have react when you won?

“I was prepared for the good or the bad I knew regardless of the decision that was made it wasn't going to stop me from creating that change. Having this title it doesn't matter I still have many ideas. Then I heard that I won I was very happy. It also made me happy that Marlene was still allowed to be part of ASB she will also get to present her ideas.”

How will you make the “change”?

“ Efforts from our team GHS being understanding listening and acting on it. The difference between me is I will listen we will do it together.”

How will you support your school/community as/if you were president?

“I’m not going to be there as a president but as a friend. I will be there for my school be their biggest support system we are all in this together.”

What do you want to say to your competitor?

“A few things that I would like to say we both were just as qualified to carry the position. She still has enough of a voice and motivation to also make change it takes a lot to go in front of the school, congratulate her because she is very courageous.”

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