13 Reasons Why

On March 31 2017, Netflix released a TV show “13 Reasons Why”. It not only has got popular because of the story line but also the meaning of what it is. Now if you haven’t watch it then stop what you are doing and go see it. If you're still reading this it's probably because you’ve seen it or just can’t get Netflix. This show does bring serious topics that has affected the world, suicide, bullying and sexual assault. If you are sensitive to these topics then be careful when watching the show. Here’s a little overview of what’s it about.
Clay Jensen gets a box, with tapes inside, on his front porch. He finds out that person speaking on the tapes is Hannah Baker but she killed herself 2 weeks ago. As he listens to Hannah Baker tapes on why she killed herself, he hears his fellow classmates Justin, Zach, Courtney, Marcus, Bryce, Jessica, Alex, Tyler, Sheri, Ryan, and himself on the tapes and how they had hurt Hannah when she was alive.
The ending did leave questions such as...
What do Hannah parents do with the tapes?
Where does Justin go?
Does Bryce go to jail?
Did Alex kill himself?
Why does Tyler have those guns?
Does Courtney tell her dad that she is gay?
Should there be a 2nd Season?
So it does make people wonder when will the 2nd season come. Now nobody from the cast has mention anything about a second season so keep a look out for that. People do want a second season because they can have their questions answered but I think that it may ruin the show. The show is based off of one book so they have a storyline to have it based off of but since there is no second book they will have to make up the season and it may ruin the story.
Did You Know…?
that Selena Gomez is the executive producer of the show
that this show is based off of a book
that the people playing Justin and Alex are dating irl
If you need more explanation about some of the topics on the show then watch “Beyond the Reason”. Its also on Netflix and it gives you an in depth talk about why they made this show and explain more about the show.