Our Favorite 2000's TV Show Theme Songs
It’s time to take it back to the early 2000’s, and remember everyone's favorite TV shows and theme songs! Take a minute to remember how...
Senior Practice Interview
The Class of 2017 is already starting their Senior Practice Interviews. On April 28th students that have Mrs.Jensen or Mr.Penwell first...

13 Reasons Why
WARNING!! THERE IS SPOILERS!!! On March 31 2017, Netflix released a TV show “13 Reasons Why”. It not only has got popular because of the...
Does teachers attendance matter too?
Grandview’s High School principal Kim Casey, has been struggling to encourage her students to come to school even if that involves not...
ICDC trip
The ICDC trip is the International Career Development conference. You are able to attend academies, workshops, and you can also compete...

Pro Sports Career Day
On April 19, 5 kids, Monica Macias, Greg Vivar, Rosalina Martinez, Josh Verduzco and me, got the chance to see what it’s like to work in...
2017 Miss Grandview Pageant
On April 15th 2017, judges will choose Grandviews newest queens and princesses. There is 8 candidates running for the 3 spots. Kendall...

What is Coachella?
One of the most popular music and arts festival that A-list singers and celebrities come to go sing and dance. As it is getting closer it...

Red iPhone 7
On March 24 Apple will be releasing a Red IPhone 7 worldwide online and in stores. It will be a red matte aluminum and be apart of the...

Seniors Under Pressure
As the school year is almost coming to an end many seniors are feeling the pressure. They’re all giving their hardest effort to stay on...