Talking all about makeup, such as tips and how to do your makeup & what you should know about makeup Makeup is for girls to put on to...

Is there a lot of depression around the world ? Depression is when you feeling a little down. Depression (major depressive disorder) is a...

Do students get more concreted hearing music on their earphones while they do their work? Hearing music does keep you more concreted and...

Thoughts on teen pregnancy..
My thoughts on teen pregnancy… Teen pregnancy happens everywhere. It’s not something everyone is proud of but its a baby and having a...

Christmas & New years
My 2 favorite Holidays! In this article i am going to be talking about why christmas and new year's are my favorite holidays and yes i...

California Fires
The California fires were one of the most horrific events in 2018 and my heart goes out to all of the fallen victims families and...

School lunch
“School lunch” many of the student here at grandview high school complain about it on a daily. School lunch has always been known by how...

U.S. is preparing for a possible war against North Korea
The US military is preparing for a possible war against North Korea and it is believed that it will be a nuclear war. The us army has...

Why kids should get good grades
Everyone should try to get good grades in school but why? Well there is a couple of reasons why you should strive to get good grades, One...
Ending of first quarter
First quarter is coming to an ending and everybody is stressing out over turning in there assignments and getting their grades up. There...