Christmas & New years

My 2 favorite Holidays!
In this article i am going to be talking about why christmas and new year's are my favorite holidays and yes i know that some people don't celebrate some holidays but that's okay. I am going to also be talking about my stories and experiences that i love on these holidays. My 2 favorite holidays would be Christmas and New years the reason why those are my favorite holidays out of all is because i love all the songs that come up on christmas and i don't like the snow neither the cold weather but that's all i don't like but i like the presents and for new years i like new years because i love celebrating another year.
New Year’s Day: Monday, January 1
Christmas Day: Tuesday, December 25
There is really a lot of special things about Christmas and New years, like for christmas everyone loves getting gifts specially little kids. On Christmas you stay up until 12 p.m but only some people other people wait till the next day in the morning. But on Christmas you see a lot of houses decorated with lights, and in the night if you look outside your window or something you can see christmas lights on people’s houses or like on their little reindeers or trees or doors or anything you get the point. They just decorate something with the christmas lights or if you go over with other family they might have christmas tree up or some other people go visit family from far like in mexico or somewhere else more farther. On new year's you can either stay home or go to family house too, well i mean for every holiday you kinda spend time with family but only some people, i am not saying all. But on new year’s it's my favorite holiday because it's a new year, and u can set goals, it's like if your starting all over, or you want to become better. New year, new you. A lot of people try better themselves. All holidays are special and everybody has different favorite holiday, not everyone celebrates each holiday and that's okay. But everyone usually has fun on holidays, well i am saying it cause me personally i do have fun in each holiday.