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Area 6 Competition!
Lainey Mendoza
Congratulations on your Top 5 finish in Apparel and Accessories Marketing!
Jazzell Tovar
Congratulations on your 3rd place finish in Hotel and Lodging Management! Jazzell is not pictured as she had to leave early to compete in her wrestling match.
Briseida Espindola
Congratulations on your 3rd place finish for your Fashion Promotion Plan!
Jorge Reyes
Congratulations on your 4th place finish!
Elias Villa
Congratulations on your 3rd place finish in Apparel and Accessories Marketing!
Nara Gonzales
Congratulations on your 4th place finish in Hospitality and Tourism!
Monica Macias
Congratulations on your 2nd place finish for your Advertising Campaign!
Marlene Castilleja
Congratulations on your 1st place finish for your Entrepreneur Innovation Plan!
Elida Chavez
Congratulations on your top role play medal!
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