First Meeting!
Our first chapter meeting was a success!
We met Friday morning to discuss:
Pop Sale
Fall Leadership Conference
Grape Stomp
Next Meeting
Pop Sale
Our first fundraiser helps members cover the cost of DECA travel throughout the year.
We're selling from the 19th-28th
Pick up permission slip in Mr. Charvet's room
Cases: 24 - 20oz Bottles
"ENVISION the path to your future...
ENVISION your success...
ENVISION yourself at this year's Washington DECA Fall Leadership Conference!"
FLC is members first glimpse of DECA at a grand scale.
There they can participate in mock competitions, learn of future careers through workshops, and network in the marketing fair.
Must be a DECA member to attend
Scholarship applications due 09/21
Scholarships announced 09/28​
Last to register - 09/28
Parent Meeting - 10/03
Community Service Opportunity
Community Service is an important aspect of DECA.
We informed members of Grandview's annual Grape Stomp
on September 15th.
Powderpuff Football
October 10th
We'll need helpers!
Powderpuff is a girls flag football game played during Homecoming week.
It's a fun class competition occurring after the Homecoming parade.
Next Meeting
September 28th
Social - Be on the lookout
Pay your DECA dues in the office
Follow us on social media!
Text "ghsdeca" to "81010" ​