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Being in a low-income/high poverty school district, students are faced with several challenges both in and out of the classroom. Despite the many challenges they face, we are looking to keep things simple and provide students with creative and meaningful learning experiences.


Students are creative, clever and very spontaneous.



They like to move, they love to be engaged and love lots of positive attention. Many of them are being raised in single parent households and receive a free lunch based on their socioeconomic status. These things may prevent them from getting ahead early in life and may not provide them with the life experiences many of us see as "typical". From the minute they walk in the door of my classroom the focus is on their potential and growth while they are in the classroom.


We may not be able to control their home lives, however, we can certainly control their experience during the school day. By doing this in a creative and positive way, we are hopeful to inspire even our earliest learners to continue on a path of academic excellence.


Mr. Charvet is a career and technical education teacher at Grandview High School. His job entails teaching students 21st Century skills while utilizing concepts that students have learned through their general education.


The Greyhound Express is Grandview High School's student-run sports broadcasting organization. Students produce, announce, and film many GHS athletic games live each season. The Greyhound Express is broadcast in live 1080 HD. Playoff games are TBD.

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Follow the Grandview Greyhounds throughout the school year. Grandview is the web outlet for the Grandview High School Multimedia Production class. The content is generated by students enrolled in the Multi-Media Production. Additional content is provided by students in Photography and Broadcasting.


Our goal is to provide quality content about Grandview High School and its students. It will be always be a work in progress. All images and videos are copyrighted to their respective owners.

© 2017-2019 by Grandview High School Multimedia Production

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