A lot of tardies at school
Tardies at school happen all the time, the school gets that there is different occasion where tardies happen because there is times where anybody is late. In our school now there was a lot of tardies that were happening and kinda still are but not as much. The reason why there was a lot of tardies back then was because of the snow the school would have to cancel school or have 2 hour delays. Mrs.Casey and other teachers would understand so they said that it was okay for kids to be a bit tardy because of the ugly weather and well the kids who get dropped off at school or come to school driving would drive slow also which that would make them get late so because of those reasons that’s why it was okay to come to school a bit late but now that it stopped snowing, Mrs.Casey said through the announcement that there was a lot of students that were being late and that was not acceptable and she said that each tardy that a student gets was going to be straight detention. Attendance matter that's why they are doing that, when you come to school you need to be prepared and be on time to learn.