Safest cities in Washington state
The National Council has already given us the top 3, 2019 safest cities in Washington state, and Washington's total crime average. As Washington has a minimum population of 7.5 million. Roughly 60% of the population lives in the Seattle area. Property crime levels are under the national average at 32.67 per 1,000 compared to the US average of 40.43 – giving a ratio of 0.81 as per violent crimes making it the 34th safest state for property crime. Washington state has a ratio of 0.81 on violent crime statics with 2.82 crimes per 100 vs the national average of 3.47 making it the 19th safest state on violent crime.Taking the first spot comes the city of Snoqualmie with 149 total crimes and a crime rate of 0.011 per 1000. 2 violent crimes and 147 property crimes. I think this city it's Truly a place to feel save at.On the second spot we have the city of Oak Harbor with 219 total crimes and 0.009 as the crime rate per 1000. 33 violent crimes and 186 property crimes. For an island with a population of over 22,000 i say it's not a place to feel unsafe.For the third spot the city of Sunnyside was chosen, with 402 total crimes and a crime rate of 0.024 per 1000. 49 violent crimes and 353 property crimes. To many property crimes but its definitely a place with low violence, because out of 402 crimes only 49 are violent and for our beloved town of Grandview comes in 6th place, with 21 violent crimes, and 173 property crimes, making a total of 194 crimes.In my opinion Grandview should be in the top three. I’ve lived almost three year in Grandview and i have only “Heard” of 3 crimes to me Grandview feels peaceful.