"It's Too Good To Be True"
There is many scams around the world and many of them sound convincing. People think scammers only go for the people with money. But it's wrong, scammers go for those who want something but can't afford it that easy, for example High School seniors are offered a Cheaper and easier way into college and, If no one is aware, the chances of getting scammed stay high. Even if you are aware they could still convince you. They work hard to make it look as truthful as possible and, once you give something there is no way to get it back. Scams happen everywhere, usually on the internet. Now a scam starts when people want something but they can't have it or they just can't afford it, then out of nowhere a easier or cheaper way to get what you want appears in front of you, at this point people can't think straight all there is, in their heads is what they want. And that's how people get tricked into doing something so easy. Once a teacher told me“It’s too good to be true” now i tell you the same thing, Beware of Scammers.