Bullying is something that is very ruthless and harsh to do to somebody. Bullying is never good to do to others because you're hurting the others persons feeling in a way that you may not understand. Bullying is a seeking harm to another person, this could be verbally or even physically. Bullying can happen at any age at any time it can happen at work at home and most possibly at school. If at any time you ever see somebody being bullied always act or say something about it with somebody older. I am not saying do something about it by fighting but I am saying to either report it, try to stop it. Nobody should ever have to threw bullying because nobody deserve such treatment.
If you are ever getting bullied by anybody you need to report it as fast as you can, either to an adult, staff, parents, anybody that you trust. Don’t ever think bullying is right because it's not. There is all types of bullying such as, “Verbally bullying”, “Social bullying”, and “Physical bullying.” If you are going through any of this types of bullying you need to report it immediately. At some times you need to step up for yourself and tell yourself I don't deserve this type of treatment I deserve better!
Some effects of bullying is depression, anxiety, increased feelings of sadness or loneliness and etc. Kids, teens and adults go threw a lot when getting bullied. You never know what that person is ever going threw with their personal life, they could be having problems at home or work or with their relationship there is so much that can be going on and to later get bullied some place else. At rare points in life this bullying can lead to suicide thoughts or to actually committing suicide.Many of us understand that all of this of bullying and suicide is a very hard and sensitive topic. Also it is hard to speak up cause you either scared or just don't wanna say anything because it hard to speak out your feelings.
The point is that never you should never be a bully to anybody and doesn't matter who it is or what they have done you can always fix it any other way because bullying is never the answer. Also if the person ever thinks of suicide thoughts of if they ever do commit suicide you never want to be part of that.
If you seen anybody getting bullied try to help them, don't go along with them, try to be friends with the kid that is getting bullied. Make them feel that they got somebody for them to trust, because you never know what they are going thorough and maybe they just need someone to let all their problems out. Parents, school staff, and other adults in the community can help kids prevent bullying by talking about it, building a safe school environment, and creating a community-wide bullying prevention strategy.
The reason why I decided to talk about bullying even tho it might happen or might not happen in our school, it's still important to let people know that bullying is not right, and if you are someone that is going through bullying you are not alone and just ask for help. You can really ask anyone for help. Yes we get it you might think other people wont care or you might not want to tell your parents because you don't want to give them something else to worry about. We all I know it's hard to speak up about that but for the best of you, you should speak up. I am pretty sure their is someone out their that would die if something happen to you just because of bullying!