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How should dogs be treated?

How should dogs be treated?

To take care of a dog you should, feed a dog, care for its health, groom the dog. But aye don't forget you have to Exercise and Socialize, and playing with your dog. Also treating your dog with respect and love.

Feeding your dog is really important, why? Well because they should be eating 3 times a day like a person. Dogs are so alike to humans in many ways. You can buy their food at any store that is with dogs, or in case you don't know, you can go to the vet and ask “ What should dogs be eating”? “ How many times does they have to eat”? Dogs get strong and healthy when they eat good, but not to much or too little. Dogs can grow more stronger or taller. It's really good for dogs to be eating right and not just whatever kind of food, it has to be the right exact of food they eat. Puppies eight to 12 weeks old need four meals a day. Feed puppies three to six months old three meals a day. Feed puppies six months to one year two meals a day. When your dog his first birthday, one meal a day is usually enough. For some dogs, including larger canines or those prone to bloat, it's better to feed to smaller meals. Some ideas from this paragraph i got them from a website you can find facts if you just research “Facts about how you should treat or take care of a dog.”

Caring for its health of the dog is also important you have to make sure it's getting it's shots from the right vet, and that a has a check up at least 3 times in a month or something like that, when you see or notice something on your dog like something you have never seen you have to tell the vet like if it the dog stops eating out of nowhere when it usually always eat you can tell the vet about that, and maybe ask why is that happening. Any questions that you have about your dog you can ask the vet and if u going to come again for such as another appointment then you have check with the secretary.

Grooming the dog, is also important because the dog always has to clean and yes i do know that dogs do get dirty sometimes fast but they really have to be clean when they are inside especially because they might want to get on top of the couch or something and they might be dirty and it will dirty the whole couch and well that's good and especially when you barely cleaned it up. Also if you have your dog inside and it's dirty and you also have kids and they touched the dog dirty and the kid eating like that without washing his hands well then the dogs germs can affect the kid because those are germs. Help keep your dog clean and reduce shedding with frequent brushing. Check for flies and ticks daily during warm weather. Most dogs don't need to bathed more than a few times a year. Before bathing, comb or cut out all mats from the coat. Carefully rinse all soup out of the coat, or the dirt will stick to soup residue. According to website called ¨General Dog care ASPCA.¨

Exercising for your dog is almost like it's health because you have to take your dog for a walk because it might just get bored when you don't take it out, you can even take it to the littlest place with you just like take it with you to the store so you won’t go by yourself and it helps because your are also walking the dog. A dog likes to go out in places it hasn't seen before and they meet other dogs too. Dogs need exercise to burn calories, stimulate their minds, and stay healthy. Individual exercise needs vary based on breed or breed mix, sex, age, and level of health. Exercise also tends to help dogs avoid boredom, which can lead to destructive behaviors. Supervise fun and games will satisfy many of your pet's instinctual urges to dig, herd, chew, retrieve and chase. According to website called “General dog care, ASPCA.¨

Socializing with your dog is not really important well i mean it is good to do but i wouldn't really count as important but you can take it as important if you want, but socializing with your dog, i mean you can do it, it's good i think but it's just for you to getting to understand the dog, and for the dog getting to understand you. But in case you didn’t know what socialization means, it means to talk it out with someone like with your dog if he does something wrong you have to socialize with him and he got to understand that that’s bad and he shouldn't have to do it again, also for example if the dog is hungry and if you guys socialize with each other ha can probably tell you he is hungry.

Playing with your dog, is also important because everyday you should play with your dog and have fun with the show the dog as much attention, care and love, it wants and needs. Playing with your dog, it makes the dog feel good and special, that you are making time to play with him/she. You can play with your dog with the littlest thing it can either you just throwing a stick or a ball and for the dog to fetch it or bring it back.

Treating your dog with respect and love is important because, you are not supposed to hit your at any point, you should just correct his mistakes, if he was to come inside the house dirty you should not have to hit your dog because of that, all you have to do is correct him by showing him how to clean it's paws in the porch before it comes back in. You should never ever try to abuse your dog, because dogs are such good pets that should not have to be treated like that, Give him food when he is hungry he should not have to starve for some days. Always at all time when you can show love to your dog your dog you really care for him and treat your dog with kindness and love.

Dogs are such wonderful pets and i just wanted to everyone that because they are and they should always be treated right, also i decided to talk about how to treat a dog in case you didn’t know how too. Dogs are really easy to take care of it's not really to much to keep your dog happy just give him food when he is hungry always show love kindness and love to your dog when you can and take care of it, dogs should never have to be abused in any type of way, dogs are like us humans.

Dogs should always be treated the same as like if they wear people, because dogs are almost like a person, it should always be treated with kindness and respect no matter what. Dogs are the best pets you can have.

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