Father's and Mother's day

Father’s and mother’s day are both special days for your parents. It's all about their days and about kids showing their parent's love and appreciation of what they have done for you and everything. Usually some kids give their moms flowers or anything and to your dad you can give them like something or like anything you want or giving your parents a simple hug can make them happy it's just about telling them “Happy mothers day” or “ Happy father’s day”.
Some kids don’t have their parents together and that's okay but other kids might not live with their parents or sum don't celebrate it for any reason and that's also okay, everyone has their reasons. Some kids might not like their dad or mom and i mean i guess that's okay too they probably have their reason and we are nobody to judge because we don't know what they go through.
To a mom when you give her something for mother’s day they will be happy, trust me, but like if you don't have money to give her something then just by telling them “Happy mother’s day” they will smile or to you dad to if you just give him something or just tell him “Happy father’s day” they will automatically get happy.
Mother’s day and Father’s day is the day that you tell them how much you love them, and how much they mean to you, and give them thank you for everything they have done for you and everything they have gave you. You have to thank them for taking care of you, for giving you everything they can.
Your mom should mean a lot to you because that's the women that gave birth to you and your dad should also mean a lot to you because that's the man who made you. I understand that some kids might have step parents and if they have treated you nice to the point you really love your step mom or your step dad that also count as your real mom or real dad well if you want to take it like that, it's all up to you, because only you know what you go through and everything that has happened to you.
What made me talk about father’s and mother’s day is that i just wanted to say something about our parents and that we should appreciate them and everything they do for us each and everyday, and we should tell our parents we love them, because they are not always gonna be there for us, you don't have wait till it's mother’s day or father’s day to tell them you appreciate them and all try to tell them everyday and show them love to your parents each and everyday and be thankful for everything. Help them out with as much as you can and just show your parents how thankful you are.