Mental Health issues
1 in 5 teenagers have mental health issues, these can vary into depression, eating disorders, and anxiety and stress issues. Also this is not you just being sad or stressed over school, this is very serious you could have to use medication or go to therapy constantly and if you don't do either this could lead a kid to suicide. This terrible and in this article I will try to show you why kids and adults feel this way, and what can help them; I will also try to shed some light on the seriousness on these problems.
Let's talk about depression, there are different kinds of depression and some are worse than others but they are all bad. There is Minor depression which is similar to major depression but there are some differences, Such as when you are diagnosed with minor depression you have severe weight changes and when you are diagnosed with major depression you experience suicidal thoughts or behaviors. Then there is Major Depression which is the most serious kind of depression and most of the symptoms are suicidal thoughts and hallucinations, and these are terrible but there are ways to cure depression it's either with prescribed medication to help you with depression or you could talk to people like therapists, friends/family, or the National Suicide Hotline.
Now eating disorders, what is an eating disorder? How does it affect you? Well we will find out. A eating disorder is when a person an abnormal amount of food so either to much or do little. This can affect you in many ways because this can cause obesity and this can lead to many heart problems and eventually death. Also you can eat to little and that will make you starve and you can literally starve yourself if you decide not to eat that much, so both of those decisions can lead to death. Then there Now we know that eating disorders can lead to death but what happens to your mental health when you have a eating disorder. You will experience substance abuse such as alcohol, the disorders can lead to depression and anxiety/stress issues, and finally it can lead to another disorder called personality disorder. But there is ways to help yourself through these tough times, if you are suffering from anorexia you should eat small meals and control your diet until your body is used to food and then you can slowly eat more food. But if you are overeating you should spread out your eating like 2 meals each day and only eat healthy food, also just take time when you eat like eat once in the morning and then once at night and continue this cycle so you don't overeat and also exercise everyday but don't push yourself that hard just simple yoga and stretches, also run for a bit start with a small run and then slowly increase until you can run for a long time.
Finally stress issues and or anxiety issues, what can calm you down? How does stress affect your daily life? And what could constant stress lead to? To calm down your stress it's simple you can control your breathing like taking deep breaths, you can question your thoughts and try to make sense of what's happening this can actually calm you down a lot, you can meditate for about 10 minutes, and you can exercise like running or lifting weights. Stress can actually affect your daily life a lot because stress can affect your behavior on situations this could be bad because everyone can be having a good time but you will be stressed out and not having any fun. Also stress can affect your blood pressure, this can lead to several heart problems which could kill you if you don't do anything about it, also stress can affect your sleep you could be sleeping for 7 hours but then it could shrink to 4-5 hours and this is a obvious problem because you won't have any energy to do your job or go to school. Constant stress can lead to other mental health problems such as depression and it can lead to heart problems to, so it would be good to get help for your stress and to fix it you should go to a therapist and you could get prescribed certain medication to help your stress.
So that's only 3 out of many mental health issues but they can affect anyone even you so if you are affected by depression you should seek help immediately so it doesn't get worse, if you have suicidal thoughts you should talk to someone or call The National Suicide Hotline which there number is 1-800-273-8255 and if you don't feel comfortable calling a random person about your suicidal thoughts you can text them instead, and if you have stress problems you should seek a therapist immediately.