OSIRIS-REX Mission To Bennu
In September 11, 1999 linear project discovered a carbonaceous asteroid named Bennu, Listed as a potentially hazardous object.With a radius of 900, mass of 78 billion kg, and a orbital period of 438 days on the sun. Bennu is the second highest on the Palermo technical impact Hazard scale, which NASA says there's a high probability for Bennu to impact Earth late 22nd century. Fun fact every six years Bennu swings really close by Earth.
In September 8, 2016 NASA launched OSIRIS-REX to travel to Bennu and gain data like mapping the asteroid and samples of its surface. In December 3, 2018 OSIRIS-REX arrived at Bennu. Now OSIRIS-REX is mapping the surface of Bennu, according to NASA this well continue until July 4, 2020 were they will select a sample site to move on. On march 3, 2021 OSIRIS-REX will be making its way back home. By September 24, 2023 OSIRIS-REX should be back to earth with a sample of Bennu if everything went as expected.