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Is Cheer leading a sport?

“Cheerleaders” When many people hear this word they think of some preppy girl that just wears a small skirt and cheers at high school games, many people don't know anything about cheer. There is a type of cheer that not many people know about that is called all star cheer, All Star cheer leading is a competition sport that involves boys and girls performing a 2 minute and 30 second routine composed of tumbling, stunting, pyramids, dance, and cheer segments. ... Lastly, the cheer portion is a part of the routine that team members perform precise coordinated motions while chanting a gym cheer.

Most of these girls work out most there week and also go to practice almost everyday. Many people believe that cheer could be easy compared to other sports because all cheerleaders do is dance around in a mat and look pretty. But people have to know that these girls and guys go threw so much by stressing out by not getting there stunt up or by not getting the dance 100% good. This sport is as stressful as any other sport for example in track a runner wants to break his pr but they cant even when they work so hard they just can't get it yet it has the same exact stress with any sport maybe even worse. These girls and guys also get the chance to compete like any other sport. If they get to go to regional and if they place in regional they get to go to worlds. Worlds is where all these teams come together as one and compete against each other this event goes on for about 2-3 days. Each team works so hard in order to be to place in worlds or even to make into worlds. Just as any other sports work hard to make it to state and they may not be happy that they did not get placed but yet many people still are satisfied by making it to state because they worked hard.

Many people still argue about cheer not being a sport but yet in 2018 in the winter sports in 2018 at south Korea the team of the university of Kentucky participated to be represent the united states as the first cheer team. In 2018 it was announced that cheer leading was a sport. Also another part that has been announced is that cheer leading is one of the most dangerous sports because of its high risk of getting a concussion and also catastrophic injuries such as broken bones and dislocated bones and many more injuries. Many of these injuries that occur in cheer can also be very long term and could take up the whole season of cheer to recover or even more. Many people don't know these things yet people seem to think they know that cheer is not a sport.

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