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Dogs can be someone’s best friend, it is an animal that keeps lonely people company. A dog can keep you company at all times, it will always be there for you. To some people a dog is more than an animal to them it's like the dog is part of the family. It's because some people actually take their dog serious. Some dogs can actually help in anyway, there is dog’s trained for different things. Some dogs can help guide people that are blind, or the dogs that work with the police they help police sniff for any bad things or also more stuff then that.

There is so many breeds of dogs and some many types, dogs can really turn from a dog to someone special to you. There is some kids who don't have siblings and they get a dog and just with a dog they have company and they don't feel as lonely as they felt. Some ways that a dog can become special to a person can be because the dog might have saved the owner’s life, or the dog always treats their owner really nice, or the dog might have always been there for the owner when he/she needed someone because they felt alone. There is so many reasons that a dog because special to the owner.

Have you ever noticed that a dog is always there for u when u need someone and it's like they just know when u feeling sad and stuff so they just there to keep you company, but imagen a dog is sad how do we know? I am pretty sure animals have feelings. So now imagine that a dog is sad how do we know? What can we do? When animals are sad or they are suffering from anything or pain they just put up with it. It's like pain in silent. They can't do anything not even wine or nothing because all they do is put up with it, and that really is sad. The reason why it's sad is because a dog can always be there for u but you can never be there for an animal or a dog it’s like we don’t know when they are sad or anything. Animals can actually be going through a lot also but we as humans we might not know, we don't know when animals or dog is sad we just can’t tell.

Dogs are my favorite animal or pet. The reason why i love dogs so much because they keep you company and a dog can be a pet and end up turning out to someone really special to you and you love that dog so much. A dog can really turn into your bestfriend. Dogs are just so cute and special the small ones well me personally i love small puppies they are so cute and adorable. When i get a small puppie i will want to take it everywhere with me. I have always wished i got a puppy for christmas or for a present for my birthday or anything or any kind of present but with a puppy inside like that would be so cute. I think that is the cutest thing and any girl who loves dogs would love that as a present because that is just so cute and adorable.

It gets so sad or an owner gets really sad when their dogs dies because it's just so sad and if you have had a dog for so long it's like you go use to him/her and for it just to die that really is sad. It's so sad how dogs also died in many ways like us. But there is dogs that get runned over or they don't get feed well and die of starvation or they get shot etc… But when you see your dog dead you can’t really do much then just feel sad or cry, but you can bury it and put a cross on top if you want most likely people will tho.

Dogs if you really love them or animals can really turn special to you when you really love them and all. They can be so special to you that it will hurt once they gone. If you are an adult like as a mom and all your kids moved out already and you feel lonely in the house and you need some company that where u can buy a pet or animal or maybe a dog etc... You can take your pet with you anywhere you can and well i mean everywhere it's allowed.

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