Teen Pregnancy
Teen pregnancy happens everywhere. It's not something everyone is proud of but its a baby and having a baby its a beautiful thing it can ever happen to a mother. What I

mean is that, teen pregnancy for a teen mother is not good, because some mothers don't really have experience on how to take care of a baby, and having a baby at such an early age can be difficult.
My positive opinion on teen pregnancy is that i get that when you get pregnant at an early age is really hard, because it's about struggle and especially if you are a single mother, and don't got the father’s help. But your family might be help, but if you don't really got nobody to help you then that's harder. But just believe in you, and you will get through it with your kid, never give up, just keep trying and you will get far. It is good that you actually were the type of mother to have your baby, because some teen girls decide not to, and they either abort or put it in adoption or something but the point is that some girls don't end up keeping their baby and for you to have your baby and be responsible and stand up for your action and for your baby will make you proud. Yes there is going to be hard times but you will get through it. But if you are pregnant and in school try not to leave school, try to stay in school and try harder to offer your baby all you can and even more, try to be stronger for yourself and for your baby. Try to be your child’s role model, because he/she is looking up to you. A baby is a blessing that comes in to your life but you need to be sure to come in the right moment but if you still get pregnant just have it and take care of it and love and cherish it, each moment like there is no tomorrow, appreciate your baby and love it each second that goes by because you never know when is the last time.
My negative honest opinion on teen pregnancy, but I mean it's just my opinion but is that you shouldn’t have a baby or get pregnant while in school because if you stop attending you don't get enough education and it gets harder because you are missing out on studying or graduating in time, which is not good. Usually girls leave school when they get pregnant because they want to avoid people calling them names or calling them out mostly all the time but sometimes you really shouldn't care it's your life. At the end of day it's your baby not there’s, and they’re nobody to be talking. It gets harder if you are pregnant or have a baby when you don't have a job because you can't take care of yourself and now with a baby its a lot of requirements you need and it’s a lot of money in order to buy everything the baby needs. If you are a single mother without your parents help neither the baby’s father help it gets harder because it all depends on you, but if you at least got a bit of your parent’s help with the money don't worry as much but you still got to worry soon because a baby it's your responsibility not your parents and you got to stand up for your actions.