Homecoming 2K18

Homecoming one of the biggest event of the year! It's the time of year were you can show your crimson and grey! Each year there is a theme for homecoming , last years theme was video games this years theme was road trip so each day was a place around the world. Each year a class chooses a specific theme that has to do with the main theme to do there halls. Sadly this year we did not get to do halls but instead we did floats for the homecoming parade. The seniors choose Florida so there float was about Disney world, the juniors had chosen Seattle and there floats consisted about the space needle , the gum , pipes market , and many more things from Seattle. The sophomores had chosen Las Vegas so there float had the famous welcome to fabulous Las Vegas sign , cards, the Eiffel tower . and some dice. Lastly the freshman theme was New York there float had a huge cut out of the statue of liberty and some chairs and tables making it seem like if they were in a restaurant.
The week started off with Seattle, so theme was rainy attire or anything that had to do with Seattle such as u dub , Seattle sea hawks or the Seattle mariners. Many students and teachers came out with there Seattle gear on a rainy day! That night there was macho man, macho man is when guys play volleyball against each other just how girls play just with guys. The night was full of spirit and excitement with the sophomores almost winning against the juniors and the juniors winning against the seniors! The night ended with the juniors taking the win overall!
The next day, Tuesday was Orlando, Florida the theme for the day was Disney characters and cartoon characters. Many people came out dressed up as Minnie mouse with there cute Disney ears and tutus. There was also many people dressed up as mickey, we can't forget about the iconic mickey mouse! There was also many seniors who went to the extra from dressing up as Popeye to Kim possible and Jessie from toy story. Many teachers also brought out there school spirit with Dr.Schilperoort dressed up as Bella from beauty and the beast and Mrs,Charvet coming out as a full on tourist.
On Wednesday we were in Honolulu, Hawaii that day we the student body was colorful with there flower necklaces and grass skirts. Many students came out with there button up floral shirts and there tourist hats. Yet again that day there were many tourist to be found with there fanny packs. That afternoon started with the homecoming parade classes brought out there well done floats that were made by there class. There was also some of the clubs like fccla and key club and many other clubs. Our amazing band was also in the parade and made the parade a little bit more special. After the parade it was time for some girls to play some flag football, the junior class was coming back to get their win after last year their sophomore year. This year the sophomore class actually had a team this year and they didn't play that bad. At last it was the seniors and juniors against each other and yet again the juniors took the win.
The next day was the homecoming assembly reason as to why it was on a Thursday was because there was no school the next day. So this days theme was Grandview gear, there was student going all out with there greyhound gear coming out with there colors crimson and grey. Later on that day was the big homecoming assembly. The leadership kids worked all day and night on the decorations for the assembly that day. The assembly started off with the princess and prince walking for each class and then they called out who had won royalty. The queen of this year was Gabriela Hernandez and the king was Christian Gomez. After announcing the royalty that's when the fun started there was about two games that there was played one of the games consisted of eating an onion with caramel. Another games consisted of bumping into each other with sleeping bags on them. The next day was the homecoming football game against Wapato. That night was touchdown to touchdown to touchdown and took Grandview with a win of 49 to 0. That night royalty was announced in half time with beautiful fireworks in the background. At the end of the long and exciting week of homecoming, Grandview won HOMECOMING!!