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Salmon Hatchery Project

Everyone who knows Mrs. Santjer knows that she has a passion for fish. She has entertained students with snails during her first year teaching at Grandview High School and her second year, this year, she has vibrant yellow fish and a few black fish. However, she has upgraded from the small fish tank and has brought something new to this school.

In the 200 hall display case sits a giant tank filled with 100 Chinook salmon eggs that were delivered on January 4th. These salmon eggs are a part of her Ecology class. The eggs are set to hatch in roughy two weeks where they will then continue to grow until April where the class will take a field trip to the Yakima River and release them. Mrs. Santjer hopes to have at least a 95% hatching rate, providing that there is no electrical shortages.

Mrs. Santjer said she wanted to do this project at her last school before she transferred and she had the system set up but regretfully, didn’t get to see it before she left. Her dreams came true when Vice Principal, Mrs. Ortiz announced that we would be doing this project, with Mrs. Santjer leading it. She hopes to continue this project year after year because of its benefit to students and the environment. She believes this is a great way to bring a naturally occurring life cycle to a space accessible for teens to see.

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