A Senior Update
With the end of semester coming up within the next 2 weeks and around 5 months till graduation, many seniors are scrambling to meet their high school requirements. Why? A senior year checklist consists of much more than buying a cap and gown, there are many steps needed before we can move on to adulthood.
In Grandview High School, graduation requirements consist of much more than obtaining a specific number of credits, we also have to complete a senior project and a job shadow, along with other character building tasks like community service. There may be some slightly less important things to get done like submitting a photo or a favorite memory for the yearbook.
But why are teachers and staff on your case about getting things done? You still have 5 months right? Wrong, the deadline for senior photos has already passed, nearly a month ago. 62% of seniors submitted a photo for yearbook, that’s a little over half, and some may not have even done that had their friend not submitted it for them. Some of us are already 18, legal adults, and we can’t even be trusted to do a task as simple as this.
I like to procrastinate as much as the next person but the results are shocking. There are only 7 people who have actually completed the paperwork for a job shadow, this is a graduation requirement, if you are waiting for a wake up call, this is it!
While some have attempted to start their senior project, 53, precisely having talked to Mr. Long about a possible idea, this is nowhere close to where we need to be. Most likely, the 7 who have completed their job shadow are the same 7 who have completed their senior project.
Remember, this is easier than in the past, when a portfolio and best works were mandatory. We used to have to scan tons of papers and keep a binder, write evaluations of our best works in class. Now we simply need to answer a couple of questions, some of them being a review of the 2 tasks stated above.
Our attendance isn’t horrible, but judging on how many people are on track to graduate, I don’t think many of us can afford to skip school. In the month of November, we had a 78.25% attendance rate. I understand that appointments come up, people get sick, but not this often. Even though coming to school can getting tiring, it’s not that hard. We need to persevere and get on track to graduate!