Attention!! Assembly Canceled!
Last week Wednesday, GHS had their last pep assembly! It all started off great! The first game, glow in the dark bowling. I forgot to mention, it was also the last. The game included, glow sticks, and glow in the dark water bottles. Also with people handing glow sticks out to the crowd. As people were catching the slow sticks and necklaces, some people were also throwing them. All the throwing was getting out of hand, Mr. Long, assistant principal, walked out in the middle of the dark, black gym to say he didn't want to see anymore glow sticks to be thrown around. Now, take a moment and try to guess what happened next. If you guessed that the throwing didn't stop, then you guessed right. Now I bet what you didn't guess is that the glow stick had been aimed at Long himself! Imagine a glow stick being thrown from the juniors side, straight to Long’s ear missing by just two inches! Because that’s exactly what happened! The assembly was then canceled and everyone had to go back to 7th period the student has been found and has been faced with the consequences. And don’t worry, Long is okay, no man down!!