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Conspiracy Theories

Disclaimer: All the theories below are just theories. I don't mean to offend anyone or harm anyone in any particular way.

There have been many conspiracies. From the JFK assassination to Beyonce giving birth to the next leader of the Illuminati. Here are some conspiracies that people believe.

1) The Moon Landing was Faked

Most of you may have heard about this theory but some may not know. In 1969, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon for the first time. They televised the landing so the whole world can see. People noticed some things they thought were weird.

There’s people believed that the moon landing was faked and it was “broadcasted” from a set. The picture shown on the left shows us setting up the US flag. If the moon had no air, then why is the flag waving? You can also see in the the video at 4:24. (

Another reason to believe the landing was faked is that there is no stars! There is no stars what so ever in the background! This looks like it was filmed in a set and had a black backdrop in the background.

Also in the footage of the landing you can see a thin glare above the astronauts. Were they on wires to fake gravity on the moon? On 1:17 you can see the glares of the wires.


2) There are crisis actors.

Crisis actors are professional actors used by the government and/or the mainstream media to deceive the public with portrayals of trauma and suffering. They act as victims or witnesses in staged school shootings or hoax terrorist attacks. Theorists think that every time something really threatening or crazy happens (Shootings, Bombings, Terrorist attacks, etc.) doesn't really happen and that the government creates them. For example, the government staged Sandy Hook so we can get gun control or they staged 9/11 so we can go to war. These crisis actors are there to say, “I was there”, “I saw the whole thing” and so on. Sometimes those people aren’t really real. On Youtube there are many videos and they are very fascinating.

Here are some you can watch:

3) Nixon and The Drug War

President Richard Nixon declared a drug war stating it was the number one public enemy in the US in 1971. Initially focusing on it as a health issue. But in 1994, John Ehrlichman, a Nixon aide, says that the war was about race and politics. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. “You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” Those communities were Anti-Nixon so they decided to “control” the populations for him to have more power and win office again. We haven't started to decriminalize after this quote surfaced. People are doing time for a lie.

Feel free to email me at for more conspiracies.

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