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ASB President Election!

Voting for ASB President is this week, so make sure you vote for your choice of a representative. Voting will take place during lunch in the cafeteria. It is very important for you to vote for the person that you want to represent you in the next year 2017-2018 school year. April 17, 2017 there will be an assembly to hear the speeches of each candidate running. This will help you vote for your favorite candidates to be the next ASB President. The current people running for ASB President are Maritza Alvarez and Marlene Castilleja. Here are some questions we asked the candidates:

Why did you want to run for president?

Marlene: “ I wanted to show everyone that there’s always going to be time to be that person to help you grow and be there for you. I go to every event even if I'm not even a part of it I'm still there. I'm not doing it from the goodness of my heart but it's cause I want to make kids feel like oh, high school was fun.”

Maritza: “I think that running for our high school president is one that I wanted to do since I was in middle school because in 7th grade I ran for Grandview Middle School ASB President and I got it. I thought you know what this is pretty awesome not necessarily because I'm going to set all these rules or put all these ideas out and I was like hey I'm like a pretty equal person am so mindful of everybody else's ideas let's do this together.When it came to being the president at the high school I did not even have to think about it, I’m going to do it and I am excited my friends and just my peers together supporting me we got this together.”

Who is your main support in this process or who encouraged you to do this?

Marlene: “My main support I would have to say was definitely my advisors and like any teachers that I would have would say that I’m very dedicated and everything I do. In all honesty, I did not think of running for ASB but when they started talking to me they would say “Oh you knew this school better. You figured out the way things are. Like, you are the most helpful person in this school. Like, not only do your actions show it but, your also be able to maintain your good grades but also to show your accountability by always coming to school and being that person to always lean on.” and that's why they encourage me to show people that everything is possible no matter how hard things get no matter how much you have to do I don't do it for myself I do it for others.”

Maritza: “My main support in this process was definitely Alondra Perez and my best friend Joanna Perez, all my friends encouraged they were super supportive and even my family at home and the student body they were also really supportive. Alondra supported me she told this campaign might get discouraging maybe you felt like it wasn't that great of a campaigning day today or maybe you got put down to let that get to you can do it.”

What are some things you’re going to do as president?

Marlene: “If I won, the next upcoming school year I would have done I would try everything in my power to make the school more welcoming and kind of uplifting in a way. Kids don't think of it much, but it does do a big thing and people are there to see that somebody cares. There's going to be somebody there that listens just to like read “oh have a good day” and smile more because that little thing motivates someone. That's what our school needs. Motivation. I know would have been hard just because I'm one person, so that sounds normal, I would have done anything in my power to make everything possible for just the student body.”

Maritza: “I’ve decided that we are going to focus as a school is definitely taking everybody’s ideas into consideration. Like people in leadership many people say well I also have ideas but I don't think we have a solid enough system that way other students can give ideas and if they are not willing to listen I will listen to and I know all the students have amazing ideas.”

What one piece of advice that you would tell the students voting?

Marlene: “Vote for the person that you know is going to do something different. I am going to do something different, be accountable, and reliable... Vote for the person that is actually that their work shows that they actually do something, don't go for that person who says something but they’re not going to do it.”

Maritza: “Everybody voice is important you might think hey it's just one vote by voting. It’s voicing your opinion.”

What makes you different or better than your competitor?

Marlene: “I wouldn't say myself better because I feel like everybody in their own way is unique, what makes me different is that I'm very optimistic sure Maritza is involved with Hounds Have Heart and she does stuff at the student learning center, but what makes me different is that I interact with kids in different areas so I use myself as playing sports, a lot different. I go and help out a lot with different community events to interact with the older generation of our community and it just makes me be a better person and be myself.”

Maritza: “It's necessarily of what I can do but what we can do your experiences don't matter, it's what you want to do. Usually when you're running for this position it's more like that position and what you can offer for me it wasn't that position but the role the privilege the title to do it together.”

What is the first thing you’re going to do if you become president?

Marlene: “I know our principle does a lot. She interacted with getting the planters and having the painted stuff on the courtyard and I would try just to make it more different, to see the school in a different way. We have so much to offer but kids don't understand how much there is because they don't know. I feel like our school, we do a poorly job showing what we have because we do little posters here and there but nobody sees them, nobody pays attention to them. So if we have huge posters like different colors I would put them all over the cafeteria because that's where kids are always at.”

Maritza: “During the summer I am going to create a binder of ideas invest a good portion of my time to make a binder ideas of how to make Grandview High School better spirit better. Bring students together as one and contact students get their feedback getting the best feedback is going to the best thing to do.”

How would you have reacted if you won/or didn’t win?

Marlene: “In my eyes I wasn't going to stop defeat wasn't going to define me. My work ethic is very strong it taught me a lot in a way I was kind of surprised I’m not going to stop in the end I still made on the team and was able to represent our school. Losing is not end of the world for me I am going to continue to be who I am. In my eyes I didn't lose because I know what I am able to do. Ultimately I'm happy for her I hope she does good.”

Maritza: “I was prepared for the good or the bad I knew regardless of the decision that was made it wasn't going to stop me from creating that change. Having this title it doesn't matter I still have many ideas. Then I heard that I won I was very happy. It also made me happy that Marlene was still allowed to be part of ASB she will also get to present her ideas.”

How will you make the “change”?

Marlene: “Making the change for me is something that kids wouldn't think of. I feel like I have made the change I was able to construct our newspaper with the help of the journalism class, I was able to do something. The change that I would make is just being me.”

Maritza: “I think it's something that going to required efforts from our team GHS being understanding listening and acting on it. The difference between me is I will listen we will do it together.”

How will you support your school/community as/if you were president?

Marlene: “I want to show our community what can be accomplished by teenagers. Everything is possible as long as we have hope school isn't easy but just have fun with what you have.”

Maritza: “I’m not going to be there as a president but as a friend. I will be there for my school be their biggest support system we are all in this together.”

What do you want to say to the person who won/lost?

Marlene: “I want to tell her that I know that she is a great person. I wish her the best of luck and always be true to yourself. This won't be easy but continue to work through it.”

Maritza: “A few things that I would like to say we both were just as qualified to carry the position. She still has enough of a voice and motivation to also make change it takes a lot to go in front of the school, congratulate her because she is very courageous.”

And our winner for ASB President 2017-2018 is…


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