Teen Pregnancy

The most common thing in high school is teen pregnancy. “3 in 10 teen American girls will get pregnant at least once before age 20”, this shows how many young girls are getting pregnant recently. Teen pregnancy can affect their high school career in many ways however, not all things are negative about it. Teenage pregnancy definitely doesn't mean it's the end of the world. Many get the common misconceptions that girls who get pregnant drop out of highschool, but there is a small percentage of girls who rather stay in school to give their kid a better future. When becoming a teen mother it can be very stressing. Teen mothers should always have the support of an elder. “Teenage pregnancy is a serious issue that may seriously impact the future of a young woman” this doesn't impact to every teen mom becauses their is many teen moms that don't give up.
Some people may not see that having a child at a young age is a bad thing because they see it as a “blessing” meanwhile others think otherwise. Being a teen mom is a big responsibility being that you no longer have to worry about yourself but also the life of another human being. As every teen mother should be able to have a job because they can’t always rely on someone to support their own child. Some teen mothers do not always have the support from their parents or from the baby’s father, that’s when the mother has to take into consideration of the responsibility of getting a work in order to buy the necessities for the child whether it's food, diapers, clothing the list goes on. Some mothers also have to make the decision whether to continue to stay in school or to have to drop out in order to support the child 100 percent.
Although as a teenager they are responsible for their actions, many may claim they do not know what they are doing but as a teenager you are aware of what you are doing and at that time you also must think of the outcomes of different situations. Teens are responsible for their actions at times teens do not pay attention to what their choices but they do know what they are doing which makes them accountable.
So think of it this way if you’re a teenager hypothetically speaking what would you do if you were pregnant or knew you had a baby on the way? Would you react in a positive or negative way? Life won't be easy play it smart and enjoy life now before taking on the responsibility of supporting a child. Every teenager should have the right to enjoy life but when you have a kid it is your responsibility to be taking care of yourself and another human's life.