Softball girls were looking forward to the hot spring days. This season just had a little situation on the first day of practice and that was not being able to practice on the infield of the softball field. As a softball player that has been playing for many years this is my first year playing in the snow. This is difficult to many softball players that play infield or many pitchers that can’t play in the dirt. The softball program has slowly been increasingly trying to improve on and off the field, even off season during the summer. Summer 2016 Grandview’s JV coach Bruce Graham made a softball team to play in the tri-cities summer program, although Grandview’s softball team wasn't able to come out with a lot of wins. GHS summer softball team were still able to stay positive, and focus on the next competition. Although GHS has gone off to a tough start but that won't stop the dedication of many softball players. GHS Softball program of 2017 coach Vanessa Medina along side with Ashley Van Tress as the pitching coach will help coach medina , and with all the help Graham does to help improve the softball program has really encouraged positive attitudes, and determine hard work to focus on getting a better record this season.