GMO Foods: A Risk to Our Health
GMO foods, also known as genetically modified foods, is food that has been engineered. This is done by manipulating organisms DNA as opposed to the traditional method of cross breeding. GMO foods don’t require a label and many today are unaware of what they are consuming. They have become the main type of food used, including in schools. The question is: Are they good or bad?
Products that are genetically engineered can be hazardous to our health and the world we live in. Over 80% of processed foods have been modified. Some modified foods that we consume often are: corn, milk, and sugar.
The problem of today is that GMO foods require pesticides to be produced. They also use artificial growth hormones and are made to tolerate herbicides. The substances listed have been linked to causing birth defects and cancer. Is this what we really believe is most nourishing for our students’ bodies? They also have shown they can cause: organ damage, gastrointestinal and immune system disorders, accelerated aging, and infertility(
GMO foods are toxic. They damage our us, our environment, and other species. They contain genes that increase resistance to certain antibiotics( . When a person gets sick, the antibiotic will not work to fight off the disease. The damages will also outlive us and spread from generation to generation. Long after we are gone, others will still be facing the problems that the modified foods cause today. Our children and even grandchildren will have diseases, and illnesses due to GMO foods.
Personally, I feel that GMO foods should not be made available to the public and they should cease manufacturing of them. Others argue that GMO foods are safe and have no harmful effects but I strongly disagree. I urge schools and teens to craft a food program that excludes the use of modified foods. California school district became the first school to serve 100% organic food, it is time we follow their example.