Boys Soccer Practice
On February 27, 2017 soccer guys will start their first practice at 5:30 till 8 p.m. The boys are really excited to practice on the turf again. The boys soccer have been waiting for this day since last season. Last season the boys soccer team ended on the first round of state but this year they are hoping to advance even further. This year their goal is to become district champs and state champs. The boys will be working hard this season in order to make it further than the past years but will also have fun throughout the season and enjoy the time spent together. Coach Morales will be the head varsity coach with the assist of Coach Villa. Coach Eric Meza will be officially be the new junior varsity coach with the assist of Coach Anne Holden. Coach Garcia will be helping coach C-Team. With these arrangements the boys will be expecting a better season. The Grandview Greyhounds are wishing the boys nothing but the best for this season.