Fresh Taste of Your Favorite Drink
These are some of the popular drinks at our school..
Caramel Frappuccino
Red bull, with flavoring of course!
Strawberry and kiwi white chocolate rebe (Dutch Bros).
Strawberry pomegranate white chocolate rebel (Dutch Bros).
Fiesta Redbull (Peace Love & Coffee).
Mango peach with mango pieces (Peace Love & Coffee).
Smurf (Peace Love & Coffee, Dutch Bros).
“Surprise me” literally from anywhere!
Rasberry redbull
Vanilla bean frapee with java chip (Starbucks).
White chocolate mocha (Starbucks).
Caramel macchiato (Starbucks).
Dragon's blood Red Bull (Peace Love & Coffee).
Everyone has a “favorite” place to get their drinks at. There is a lot of similar drinks that mostly everyone gets. Everyone usually stays with their usual drink, for example many of the people I interviewed always get a drink with Redbull. Coffee is usually bought by everyone from Starbucks, the Rebels are bought at Dutch Bros., Smurfs and redbull’s are from Stir Crazy, Peace, Love & Coffee and Jitterz. Some people believe that the drinks are slightly expensive but the people who get one every day don’t think about it that way. But of you were to add up all the money you spent on the drinks it would be a whole lot, no matter what people will always get the drinks because they are very popular.