Expectations Vs Reality

2nd Semester
Stop procrastinating and turn assignments in on time
Get that 8 hrs of sleep that we’re suppose to get
Not watching another episode of Grey’s Anatomy or Stranger Things and start doing the HW that's due tomorrow
Go to school on time so Ms. Casey doesn’t bug you
Start dressing up and be more pretty
Write good, nice, and pretty notes
Join a sport and be more involved
Be more organized and have everything in its right place
Start getting your leadership points at the beginning of the semester
Never lose assignments
Get good grades so you can get money and your mom doesn’t yell at you
Get your community service hours so you're not stressing about it later
Still procrastinating and turning assignments in late
Got 5 hrs of sleep because you found a new show on Netflix
Ended up watching a whole season and you still haven’t started the HW that is still due tomorrow
Coming to school late and Ms. Casey is bugging you
Trying not to look like a creature from another planet
Just wrote scribbles that you don’t understand
Rather watch netflix and stay at home
Still trying to get your life together
Doing them at the last minute like last semester
End up losing them
End up getting good grades but that’s still not good enough for your mom
Doing it next semester