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12 Things You Wish You Did Over Winter Break

1. Traveled someplace farther than your grandparents house

Your grandma’s house that’s in the same or next town next to yours. Did you meet anyone new? Find a new scenery to take pictures at? Did you even bother to look? I didn’t think so..

2. Played in the snow

Did you tell yourself and your friends you’re pretty excited about playing in the snow? Go sledding? But then again, did you get up out of bed?

3. Build a snowman

Let’s go out and build a snowman?

I think not. It’s too cold.

4. Sit around and drink Starbucks or Dutch Bros hot chocolate

Sitting around game A1, but the drinks...not so much.

5. Cuddle

If cuddling with your blanket or pet counts, then score!

6. Clean your room

You told yourself you’d clean your room so you can have room to walk and find items you needed but remember that you can’t clean if you don’t get out of bed..

7. Actually get to sleep in

For all of you that have little brothers and sisters that are living the wildlife at 7:30 AM, sleeping in is a rare coincidence.Some of us understand.

8. Get caught up on your homework

We all definitely told ourselves we would get our homework done 4.0 material but we couldn’t find our backpacks in our dirty rooms!

9. Remembered you even had homework

Not only could you have been stress free from school work, but you would’ve have everything done. Too bad you didn’t even remember you had homework..

10. Start your new year's resolution

You said you’d change your diet, your style, your determination in something too bad you can’t remember what you decided to change before you partied...

11. Catch up on your shows

If you got off your phone or woke up from your naps, you get to turn the tv on and binge watch Orange is the New Black or Supernatural

12. Go places

Wish you got out of your house? Out of your dirty room? Its called a break for a reason. That includes a break from people too.

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