New Years Resolution
It is around this time of the year that people start thinking about their “New Year's Resolution” list. Just because this year didn't work out the way you wanted doesn't mean you can't make next year your year. If you need help coming up with ideas for your list here are a few choices:
Get healthier.
Try something new.
Make more friends.
Try out for a sport.
Have more school spirit.
Be nicer.
Have a better attitude.
Create a healthy environment.
Stop being insecure.
Join in on more school events.
Have less excuses.
Be more honest with yourself and others.
Give more compliments to others.
Give more compliments to yourself.
Work on self-confidence.
Increase your spirituality.
spend less time on technology and more time socializing with others.
To sum it up resolutions are a good idea it gives us goals to work towards to better ourselves and even though we may not do all of them it gives us something to strive for each year.