Wrestling Takedown

Wrestling season has arrived and the boys are very excited for this year, as they traveled to Eisenhower High School in Yakima to compete in an annual jamboree that occurred this past Tuesday, that was hosted from 6pm to 9pm. Grandview, Granger, Naches, East Valley, and Toppenish traveled to IKE for this Tournament. This was a very emotional tournament because none of the wrestlers really knew what to expect since it was their first three matches of the season. But nothing was going to stop the boys from competing at their best, they would not give up because the season is barely beginning.
Adrian Benitez, Kenneth Plaza and Ian Campuzano have been wrestling for the Grandview High School team since they were freshmen, they are now all juniors. Wondering how these three boys felt before the tournament was not a surprise of course Benitez and Plaza were both with a mindset of just getting on the mat and finishing the job well. Campuzano on the other hand was nervous he didn't know what to expect. Benitez didn't do too bad he says, “All I need is to work harder to get back on track and continue where I left off from last year.” Benitez won two matches and lost one he says, “I was tied on my last match or so I thought it was an unexpected loss.” Plaza says, “My first match I tied because I lost the coin toss and I didn't shoot as much as I should of.” Plaza won two matches and lost one as well. Campuzano won two matches and lost one, with this he says, “the reason why I feel like I didn't do so good is because I judged the other boys by how they looked and I was expecting one thing but received the whole opposite.”
The boys thought the tournament went well in general but they noticed that they need to condition more, they were glad these were just takedowns not full matches. Benitez’s goal for this season is, “To make it onto the podium, I made it last year to state, now I want to make it at least to 8th place, I want to make history, but no matter what my goal is always to get first place” he says. Plaza’s goals for this season would have to be, “To make it to state, I'm just wishing on that right now” he says. Campuzano’s goal for this season is, “I at least want to place in as many tournaments as possible.”
With this in mind we would like to wish the wrestling team good luck on this season and tear it apart. Go Hounds!