Benitez Wrapping Up the Season

To recap on how Adrian Benitez performed at the 2016 cross country state competition in one word would be successful. From freshman year being pushed to do better by former GHS grad student Carlos Granados, Benitez worked extremely hard where it finally paid off. Being his mentor, Granados took a very special trip to go support Benitez compete.
With all this we know that this race meant a lot to Benitez, but it would be hard not having his wing Granados next to him. Benitez stated “I felt very nervous before the race, but honored at the same time, I never thought I had a chance to get here and now here I am.” Being extremely focused on performing well his main thoughts during the race was ¨go faster!¨ He also kept in mind but didn't let himself give up, ¨My legs are cashed but I can do this.¨ After receiving 60th place in the race out of 157 people running, Benitez said, ¨I felt proud of myself, but I feel like I could have done better. Mentally I could have kept going longer but physically my legs couldn't give no more.¨
Although satisfaction is not what all runners had Benitez stated, “I felt satisfied with how I did because I ran fast I didn't think I would finish where I did but at the same time I didn't feel satisfied because I didn't hit my personal record and that was kinda upsetting.” Not everyone can accomplish their goals but Benitez will not give up and he will come back stronger next year. Benitez replied, “I feel like next year I will do better much better because usually I don't run in the summer to get prepared but this summer that will change.” We all have a motivation when doing something, like how Benitez said, “My family, friends, and how I represent the school is my motivation.” We wondered if Benitez ever thought about giving up but he responded, “No it never even crossed my mind.” Having the chance to redo the race would be great, Benitez said, “If I could redo the race again I would change the way I started because I started slow and paced myself out, if I were to start faster I would have probably done better.”
After having a great race Benitez has something to remember and look back at to help improve himself for next year his senior year at Grandview High School. Benitez would like to thank his family for supporting him throughout the season and making it out to his meets to watch him race, mentor Carlos Granados for giving him the opportunity to encourage him to continue to do better and making him the athlete he is today, good friend Marlene Castilleja for also making the trip to state to support him, GHS for giving him the chance to run with a great team and having the chance to represent not only his school but also his city, also his coaches for pushing him to not give up making him increase his speed allowing him to make it to state and everyone who supported him through this accomplishment. GHS would like to congratulate Benitez on how well he did at the 2016 cross country state competition.