Who is Kim Casey?
Kim Casey, new GHS principal, has a lot to say about her new job, words of advice, and opens the door to get to know exactly, who is Kim Casey.
I asked our new administrator some questions just to get closer and connect with her. She had a lot to say.
I asked how is she liking her new job so far; excited Casey answered, she loves it and wished she had chosen this career as her first job. She started at nutrisystem getting to travel a bit, and then she moved one to a Chrysler dealership. Which then brings us to now, Grandview High School principal.
She's been really focusing on what's best for her students. Starting with attendance, and class time. She is really kicking attendance in the butt because it's important for students education as well as class work. Casey explains, she believes there is time to work and time to play. She says “The more we work, the more we play. Work hard, play hard.”
She also shares her favorite part of her job, as well as the least. Ms. Casey thought hard and her answer, discipline. Having to discipline is her least favorite part no doubt. She understands each family has their own ways of disciplining, and so does she. On a good note, she happily explained her favorite part, which is the students. She loves getting to connect with everyone and having a great time with each one. The best feeling is knowing she's doing her best and helping each student achieve the things they never thought they could.
Her main motivation is getting to see the students look in their eyes as they walk down the aisle at graduation. The way they look at Casey as if saying, “I can't believe I did it, thank you”.
I asked Ms. Casey, who is her favorite co-worker is, she had to think hard, choose right. She answers with Maria Cabrera. She's so thankful for everything she's done for her. Mrs. Cabrera helps Ms. Casey stay organized and on top of her game.
I asked her to describe herself in three words. She tried her best to choose something perfect that would describe exactly who she is. She chose, driven, bossy, and caring. Casey sees herself as a determined person, one track mind gets things done. Bossy because her determination wants things to get done the way she wants. But most of all, she explains herself as caring. In the end she's worried about what is best for the students. She does what she does, for them.
I asked to explain herself on a personal level and asked, what would you like GHS students to know about you? Sincere Casey replied, “I put my pants on one leg at a time, just like you”. Not meaning to do things one thing at a time, but meaning, we’re all the same. She's no different. She's been through struggles just as everyone has. She's proud of the person she's grown into and she feels many could agree because she's tried her hardest to get where she is today. She's proud to know who she is.
Ms. Casey wanted to leave some advice for her students, “Don't grow up too fast” she says. If you rush it all now, what will you have to look forward to later in life? She closed with, “Enjoy the moment”.