Horrific Homecoming

Homecoming is a traditional thing to do in the United States to welcome back former and new students. The week every teen looks forward to in the beginning of the year in high school where students have a week to have fun, their favorite time of the year. Usually after a football game is followed by the homecoming dance the next day. This year homecoming is right after the football game. At GHS each day of the week is were GHS dresses up to have a fun week. This dress up week will be taking place on October 17th - October 21st . Each day there will be contests to see which class is the best and have the most school spirit.
The following days are:
Monday 10/17 - Sports Frenzy
Tuesday 10/18 - Twin Tuesday
Wednesday 10/19 - Color Wars
Thursday 10/20 - Superhero/Character Day
Friday 10/21 - Fired Up Friday
The Traditional decorating of the hallways where each class is responsible for decorating their own hallway based on the theme of Horror to get students to get them excited for Homecoming. From there they will create their own sub theme to decorate the given hallway.
Themes - Hallways
Sinister Seniors - 400 Hall
Junior Curse - 100 Hall
Sophomore Circus - 200 Hall
Freshmen Massacre - 300 Hall
It’s a tradition to have a little fun game of macho man on 10/17/16 were the boys dress in goofy clothes, and play volleyball which starts the week off remember to enjoy that week have fun and be creative with your outfits. Also we have Powerpuff on 10/19/16 were the girls play against each other playing Football and have some fun.
Friday October 21st is the Homecoming Assembly it be in the gym during 7th period to the end of the day. It encourages students to be engaged in having fun during this week. At the assembly, there will be games and competitions for all classes to participate in. They will also announce the homecoming royalty for each class. These candidates will be chosen by the student body, to be the king and queen of homecoming and the rest of the candidates will be the princesses and princes of homecoming.
The homecoming game is always the most important game of the season. This is our last home game of the season during halftime the homecoming royalty will be presented to the community and senior night will also be taking place then concluding with firework show.